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It's Getting Closer.... Love Festival is Coming... Please Help Us!!    
Hello All!!!
As some of you may know, the yearly Love Festival event is coming soon!
This Love Festival in particular will be a very special one, and we will be going all out with as many games and activities as we can. Thus, just for this event, we are also going to be bringing back a part of the event that goes all the way back to the first Love Festival.
That’s right, we are calling on you to join us in running this event as Tally Loves, just like the old times!!
Now it's been a long time since we sent out the call for Tally Loves, so let's go over what a Tally Love is again.
During moderator events, we host multiple threads where players roll dice or participate in activities in order to earn points. These events usually have around 25-50 participants, and moderators track all points and any bonus prizes earned by players who participate in various games through official tally posts made at the end of the day. Tally Loves are non-moderator players who help keep track of players' points/prizes, by tallying points throughout the day.
Tally Loves may tally as they are available to, and for the most part there is no set time in which they must be online to tally, but they must tally at least once per day in order to earn bonus prizes (see "Payment" below).
A more in-depth description of Tally Love duties and expectations will be given to volunteers via PM upon sign-ups closing.
Tally Loves will earn 20 points per tally, for a maximum of 100 points (5 tallies) per day.
When the event ends, Tally Loves will also earn free prize picks from the event shop at no extra point cost, with the amount and rarity based on how many days they help.
1-2 days tallied: 2 picks from low tier or 1 from mid
3-4 days tallied: 4 picks from low tier or 3 picks from mid tier or 1 pick from high tier
5-6 days tallied: 4 picks from low tier or 3 from mid tier AND 1 pick from high tier
7 days tallied: 5 picks from low or 4 from mid or 3 from high AND 1 pick from grand
The Love Festival will run from February 14th to the 20th
So, if you sign up, please make sure you are available to help tally during this time.
Currently, for this year we are only looking to accept up to 6 Tally Loves.
Note that this number is subject to change depending on how many games we end up with.
If we receive more than six players offering to tally we will decide who to pick based on player availability. If someone is able to be online for four days of the event but another is able to be on for five, we will go with the person available for five days.
To volunteer to be a Tally Love, please comment below using the form provided. Sign ups will be open until January 31st, and will close upon rollover to February 1st, at which time we will contact volunteers.
I wish to be a Tally Love!
How often will you be available to tally for the event?
Have you joined part of a mod event before? (even just playing games counts.)
(Not important) Can we throw a box at you?
Feel free to also comment asking any questions or for clarification below. And we hope everyone whether you intend to apply or not will look forward to this very special Love Festival!~