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  Frequently Asked Questions

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New Player Starting Guide

Super Fast Starting Guide!

I'm new to games like this. What is a Petsite?
I've played other Petsites. What's different about WindRose?
What terms will I need to know to play?
WindSeeds seem important. how do I get one?
How do I get my first pet?
How can I get items?
How do I get Kion?

Other F.A.Q.

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Using the Site:
How do I use the Heads Up Display (HUD)?
Why didn't X image refresh/appear properly?
How do I use text decorations in my posts?

Sprouts and Sators:
What are the characteristics of a sprout?
Why did my pet turn out this way?
Why did my experiment fail?
What Are Research Notes?
I thought that if I used item X I would get outcome Y. It didn't work! Is alchemy broken?
Can I breed my pets?
Why doesn't my pet have Pollen/Honeycomb yet?
What is a Sator?

Exploring Kio:
How does exploration work?
Who are the NPC's? What do they do?
Why is it so hard to get WindSeeds?

What are dice and how can I use them?
What is an 'RKV Code'?
Why aren't there more Breeds/Clothes/Items/Players etc...?
Will you please show me a random Sprout?

Welcome to the WindRose New Player Guide and Frequently Asked Questions Page.

Please click on the questions to the left to see the answers here.

If this section is missing a question that you think should be included, please go to the suggestions subforum to suggest the question.